
Here are the steps to run the basic_contract_rs.

  • Rust Smart Contract hosted within a Wasm engine
  • Hyperledger Fabric v2

This guide will start up a 1 Organization, 1 Peer Fabric Network and start the contract.

Creating a working directory to hold the github repos we’ll clone. (examples assume that this is ~/ A lot of the steps need only to be done once.

Getting setup

  • Install the preqres for Rust and Wasm Development
    • Stable Rust is sufficient, nightly is not required. Instructions at the
    • To build a Wasm binary you will need to have the wasm target. Note that wasm-pack is not required here as there is no JavaScript host.
      • rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
  • VSCode is our preferred editor, with the Rust Extension and the Rust Analyser

Hyperledger Fabric Docker images

We need Fabric Version 2, which you may already have so can skip this.

curl -sSL | bash -s -- 2.2.0 1.4.4 0.4.18 -s -b

Fabric Network

It’s perfectly possible to use the fabric-samples test-network for this, that’s 2 Organization network. For these instructions, we want to use a smaller network purely for development purposes.

In your working directory clone the fabric-dev-networks repo

git clone

Then build the docker tools image that can be used to control it

docker build -t hyperledgendary/fabric-tools .

External builders

Fabric knows about the following languages implicitly. Java, Node, Go. However the peer is not really supposed to be the orchestrator of creating docker images. So this is where the external builder comes in.

To setup the external builder, you need to configure the peer and the easiest way to do that is by using the fabric-builders project.

git clone

Next step is to build the updated peer docker image - we will need to use this to create a local Fabric network; the configuration of the external builder needs to modify the peers configuration file. This is easiest to do by creating a new docker image with the updated config file.

Change into the fabric-builder-peer repo and build the docker image

docker build -t hyperledgendary/fabric-builder-peer .


Now we’re going to create the various assets etc that we need

Fabric Network

From the fabric-builders directory

Generate the small network config files

docker run --rm -v small_config:/etc/hyperledger/fabric -w /etc/hyperledger/fabric --entrypoint=/bin/bash hyperledgendary/fabric-tools -c ""

Replace core.yaml file with one from fabric-builders

docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/local:ro -v small_config:/etc/hyperledger/fabric -w /etc/hyperledger/fabric --entrypoint=/bin/bash hyperledgendary/fabric-tools -c "cp /local/core.yaml ."

Update the small network docker-compose.yaml file to use hyperledgendary/fabric-builder-peer images

cd ~/
sed -i.bak 's|hyperledger/fabric-peer|hyperledgendary/fabric-builder-peer|g' docker-compose.yaml

Bring up the docker compose network

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d couchdb cli

Create the Fabric network

docker exec humboldt.cli

Smart Contract

  • In your working directory, clone this repo
    • git clone
  • Ensure it can be built correctly, cd into the fabric-contract-api-rust
    • Using make: make -f justfile wasm
    • Using just: just wasm
    • Using cargo: cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

This will have built a Wasm binary to fabric-contract-api-rust/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/basic_contract_rs.wasm

External chaincode container

One final git repo to clone

git clone
docker build -t hyperledgendary/fabric-chaincode-wasm .

Copy the chaincode.env.sample to chaincode.env. This will need to be editted shortly, so it’s good to keep a copy of the original

It’s also worth copying the wasm binary file created previously, for example if you’re following the same directory structure run this command

cp ../fabric-contract-api-rust/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/basic_contract_rs.wasm ./contracts

Contract Deploy

Package and install Wasm chaincode

Create a connection.json file with details of how Fabric will connect to the external service chaincode

  "address": "",
  "dial_timeout": "10s",
  "tls_required": false

Package the connection.json file using the script

Again if you have the same directory structure, this command

../fabric-builders/tools/ -l wasmftw -t external connection.json

A wasmftw.tgz file will be created. This is the chaincode package that will be installed on the peer - as the proxy for the real chaincode. Feel free to unpack and investigate it’s contents.

Copy the chaincode package to a docker volume for installing

docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/local:ro -v small_cli:/var/hyperledgendary/fdn -w /var/hyperledgendary/fdn --entrypoint=/bin/bash hyperledgendary/fabric-tools -c "cp /local/wasmftw.tgz ."

Install the new chaincode package

docker exec humboldt.cli peer lifecycle chaincode install /var/hyperledgendary/fdn/wasmftw.tgz

It’s important to keep the output from this command as it will be needed in the next step

Run Wasm chaincode

Create a chaincode.env file, making sure the CHAINCODE_ID matches the chaincode code package identifier from the install command

Run the chaincode: note that this docker command runs it in foreground so you can watch what happens. Worth opening another terminal at this point.

docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}/contracts:/local:ro --name --hostname --env-file chaincode.env --network=small_fabricdev hyperledgendary/fabric-chaincode-wasm

Approve and commit the Wasm chaincode

Approve the chaincode, making sure the package-id matches the chaincode code package identifier from the install command

docker exec humboldt.cli peer lifecycle chaincode approveformyorg -o --ordererTLSHostnameOverride --tls true --cafile /etc/hyperledger/fabric/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/ --channelID smallchannel --name wasmftw --version 1 --sequence 1 --waitForEvent --package-id wasmftw:eeae07c6e9455f329e28f9a0eed977ae3549be68e68247018f71dc5a5f511c0d

Commit the chaincode

docker exec humboldt.cli peer lifecycle chaincode commit -o --tls true --cafile /etc/hyperledger/fabric/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/ --channelID smallchannel --name wasmftw --version 1 --sequence 1

Run a transaction!

Create an asset….

docker exec humboldt.cli peer chaincode invoke -o --tls true --cafile /etc/hyperledger/fabric/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/ -C smallchannel -n wasmftw -c '{"function":"AssetContract:create_asset","Args":["007","Bond"]}'
docker exec humboldt.cli peer chaincode query -o --tls true --cafile /etc/hyperledger/fabric/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/ -C smallchannel -n wasmftw -c '{"function":"AssetContract:read_asset_value","Args":["007"]}'