Getting Rust Contract in Wasm Working with MicroFab and Wasm builder
Here are the steps to run the basic_contract_rs
- Rust Smart Contract hosted within a Wasm engine
- Hyperledger Fabric v2
This guide will start up a 1 Organization, 1 Peer Fabric Network and start the contract. This is done using a fork of MicroFab - a single containerized fabric network that is perfect for fast prototyping and developement. It’s uses the Fabric binaries directly so it is really Fabric.
This is what we’re going to be starting up and running,
- MicroFab will provide the Fabric v2 runtime, into which we are going to deploy Wasm chaincode. We’ll use the ‘peer’ cli commands to do this.
- We’re using a customized version of Microfab to include a Wasm Chaincode Builder. This builder uses the Chaincode Builder feature introduced in Fabric v2.
- The chaincode here consists of a Wasm binary.
- The Wasm binary will have been built from the Rust
Getting setup
- Install the preqres for Rust and Wasm Development
- Stable Rust is sufficient, nightly is not required. Instructions at the
- To build a Wasm binary you will need to have the wasm target. Note that wasm-pack is not required here as there is no JavaScript host.
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
- VSCode is our preferred editor, with the Rust Extension and the Rust Analyser
- Create a working directory to hold the github repos we’ll clone. (examples assume that this is ~/
Hyperledger Fabric Command Line Tools
We need Fabric Version 2 cli binaries, you may already have these so can skip this.
If not, to get just the peer
commands (rather than the docker images or samples directory).
Let’s assume that ~/
is your working directory.
curl -sSL | bash -s -- 2.2.0 1.4.4 0.4.18 -s -d
Ensure that the commands and configuration are setup correctly.
export PATH=$PATH:~/
Now we’re going to create the various assets etc that we need
Smart Contract
- In your working directory, clone this repo
git clone
- Ensure it can be built correctly, cd into the
- Using make:
make -f justfile wasm
- Using just:
just wasm
- Using cargo:
cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
- Using make:
This will have built a Wasm binary to fabric-contract-api-rust/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/basic_contract_rs.wasm
As we’ve cloned the whole repo, we’ve also got the Rust Contract crates source as well. Normally you would just add the dependencies from
Start Microfab
It’s best to do this from another terminal window, director is not important. First setup an environment variable:
"name": "Ampretia"
"name": "minifignet",
Then issue this docker command to run MicroFab
docker run --name microfab --rm -p 8080:8080 -e MICROFAB_CONFIG="${MICROFAB_CONFIG}" hyperledgendary/microfab
To run in detached mode add -d
and then use docker logs -f microfab
to get the logs.
Get the MicroFab configuration
When applications (including the Peer commands) run they need a local identity in a wallet and a gateway connection profile. In this case there’s a helpful script that can pull out all the information needed - it needs Node.js 12.
Run this in your working directory - some sub-directories will be created. These contain the configuration required for using the peer
commands, as well as the gateway connection profile and wallets for client applications.
npm install -g @hyperledgendary/weftility
curl -s | weft microfab -w ./_wallets -p ./_gateways -m ./_msp -f
The tool will print out some environment variables for the peer commands; these will be something like this.
export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH="/home/<yourid>/"
Copy what is output by the tool and run them in your current terminal.
Contract Deploy
Fabric knows about the following languages implicitly. Java, Node, Go. The forked version of Microfab started above is configured to handle Wasm in addition to the usual languages.
You will need to package the Wasm chaincode in a tgz archive file before being able to install it in the same way as regular chaincode. Although you can create the chaincode package manually it is easier to use a copy of the script.
curl -s > ./ && chmod u+x ./
Package Wasm Chaincode
Package the basic_contract_rs.wasm
file you built earlier using the script
Again if you have the same directory structure, use this command
./ -l wasmftw -t wasm ./fabric-contract-api-rust/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/basic_contract_rs.wasm
A wasmftw.tgz
file will be created. This is the chaincode package that will be installed on the peer. Feel free to unpack and investigate it’s contents. Note that this is the equiavlent of doing a peer lifecycle chaincode package
Install the Wasm Chaincode
Install this Wasm chaincode package.
peer lifecycle chaincode install wasmftw.tgz
It’s important to keep the output from this command as it will be needed in the next step. It’s generally easier to set an environment variablem, for example.
export PACKAGE_ID=wasmftw:834e64c62be5b4b2682feb4214ff9e29efb6c4ecb13d7a36019bf1ddbfdeafed
Approve and commit the Wasm chaincode
Approve the chaincode, making sure the package-id
matches the chaincode code package identifier from the install command
peer lifecycle chaincode approveformyorg -o --channelID minifignet --name wasmftw --version 1 --sequence 1 --waitForEvent --package-id ${PACKAGE_ID}
Commit the chaincode
peer lifecycle chaincode commit -o --channelID minifignet --name wasmftw --version 1 --sequence 1
Run a transaction!
Create an asset….
peer chaincode invoke -o --channelID minifignet -n wasmftw -c '{"function":"AssetContract:create_asset","Args":["007","Bond"]}'
Get back the value
peer chaincode query -o --channelID minifignet -n wasmftw -c '{"function":"AssetContract:read_asset_value","Args":["007"]}'
Using a node.js client application
Running the peer commands is ok, but really one of the SDKs will be used to run client applications.
As an example client application we can use runhfsc. This uses the latest Fabric Node SDKs, and runs in node 12.
npm install -g @hyperledgendary/runhfsc
From your working directory, run this command to point the application at the client wallets and connection profile
runhfsc --gateway ./_gateways/ampretiagateway.json --wallet ./_wallets/Ampretia --user ampretiaadmin --channel minifignet
This will connect and you can see the prompt with the id and channel, type in contract wasmftw
[default] ampretiaadmin@minifignet:<contractid> - $ contract wasmftw
Contract set to wasmftw
[default] ampretiaadmin@minifignet:wasmftw
We can now repeat the final peer command but driving the Node.js SDK
evaluate 'AssetContract:read_asset_value' '["007"]'
Submitted AssetContract:read_asset_value 007
[ '007' ]